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Chapter 3.4

“What?” Amaya snapped. “I am just a very emotional person. There is no need to mock my sensitivity. And anyway, I think that I have given you enough information for now. Moira, do you want to stop this here?”

Morticia thought for a while and decided that she would give it a try. If she could go around moving things without having to move, it would make things a lot easier for her. She thought of all the pranks she would be able to play on everyone around her and said that she would like to try.

“But wait!” Jeena said suddenly, “What’s our clue?”

“You have already received it!” Amaya said, “In your dreams…”

Both the girls thought back at the dark place and the lake that they had seen in their dream. It seemed ages ago. With that, Amaya disappeared into thin air and there was silence again.

“…the girl said HOW DO YOU KNOW?

Jeena and Morticia jumped screaming with terror as Leena almost toppled off the pillow she was sitting on with laughter.

“Oh my God” Leena said between fits of laughter, “so far, this has been the best reaction I’ve ever got!” the two stared at Leena blankly. When Leena was done laughing her head off, she looked at her wrist watch. She ran to the switch board, switched on the lights and roared “Happy Birthday!”

The two just continued to stare at her in a confused way. “Okay…” Leena said, “Do I need to remind you that it’s your birthday and that

I just wished you?”

They realized that Leena was, in fact, right.

“Happy birthday!” both said together.

“I said it first!” they said together again.

“Jeena!” “Morticia!”

Leena stopped them by asking them to shut up and pointed out to them that it did not matter in any case who had wished the other first because she was already the first to have wished both of them. Then she took out two gifts from her backpack, wrapped in shiny black gift wrapper. She always gave them the same things. They opened the gifts to find a necklace each. Each necklace had a thick black thread connected to a pendant that had quiet an interesting shape. It was in the shape of a straight dagger with a very stylish handle. On the handle was a pink coloured, diamond shaped stone. On Leena’s insistence, they put them on. As soon as they out the necklaces the stones stated to glow. Leena’s eyes widened. There was no mistaking it, the stones were actually glowing.

“How did you do that?”

“Do what?” Jeena and Morticia asked together.

“First” Leena said, looking irritated, “quit talking together. It’s creeping me out. And second, I’m talking about the stones glowing. I didn’t know it could glow.”

“They glow?” the two asked together again.

Leena raised an eyebrow and glared at them. “YOU made them glow, and you’re asking ME?”

“Hey!” Jeena said, alone for once, “Morticia probably it’s because of the powers.”

“Okay” Leena said, “now you’re creeping me out worse than ever. Are you people playing some kind of stupid trick on me?”
