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Chapter 3.5Jeena and Morticia then explained to Leena everything they had seen and heard. But they made a mistake. No, the mistake was not that they told her about it; the mistake was that they expected her to believe them. “You don’t believe us?” both of them asked, genuinely surprised because usually it was Leena who believed that fairies existed and probably some day she would fly away to ‘magical land’. Leena looked at both of them and then shook her head. She then asked them to prove it if it was true. Jeena agreed and so did Morticia. “Okay” Leena said, “Make that flower vase float in air.” What happened next was complete havoc in the name of magic. First, Jeena made the vase float in air, and it fell to the ground and broke into tiny pieces. Morticia fixed it fine; but when she had fixed it, she was so fascinated by the whole using-magic-to-fix-things concept that she tried to remodel the vase in the shape of a cat. Then, not satisfied with the broken vase, Jeena tried to make the clock go backward. It did go backward a little, and then the hour hand came off. Morticia also tried to make the pen write things on its own wondering how she could have ever have been stupid enough to be scared of all of this. While Jeena and Morticia were busy creating a mess, Leena watched on in silence. Her eyes were wide open and her jaw was slightly dropping. Finally when the two noticed Leena they said “Now do you believe us?” together. She remained silent for a while. She then screamed “BLOODY HELL! MAGIC REALLY EXISTS!” then squealed, jumped up and hugged them. After some more squeals, she warned them not to mention anything at all about their powers to anyone. She reasoned that if everyone knew the truth the media would crowd them and then scientists would want to do different kinds of tests on them. “Where do you get these ideas?” Morticia asked. But before Leena could answer, Morticia said, “wait. I already know that it’s a side-effect of excessive TV and too much fantasy fiction.” Leena then went on to explain that it did not matter what Morticia thought because human curiosity would over power their sympathy towards Jeena and Morticia. After all, if it were not for human curiosity, man would not have invented the television or anything else for that matter. Were it not for the fact that humans slaved for their curiosity, early man would have never even started a fire or invented the wheel or start agriculture…As she yakked on, she lost the point and stopped. Jeena seized the point to say “I think it’s a cool idea.” “What?” Leena asked, “Having people stick loads of wires on you and examine your hormones and DNA? I don’t think so.” “No!” Jeena said, “I mean getting to help people.” Leena then pointed out that she could do that without telling anyone either and doing good deeds undercover was better than plain and simple helping people and telling them about it. After another hour of discussion and magic tricks, they decided to go to sleep. As soon as the lights were switched off, Leena switched them on again. “What about this test that you have to take?” Leena said. “What about it?” Morticia asked. “If you don’t give this test, time will repeat itself and you wont remember a thing!” Leena said looking worried. “So?” Morticia said. “That means that even I wont remember anything!” Leena almost shrieked. “Don’t worry,” Jeena said, “we’ll find out what it is and then do it tomorrow. Okay? I think that we should go to sleep right now.” Leena protested. She said that they should try to think of their test right then because they would not get enough time. Jeena and Morticia only rolled their eyes and pushed her back onto the bed, switched off the lights and went to bed themselves. Even in the dark Leena continued trying to convince them to try to solve the mystery then and there. Finally when Jeena got annoyed, she placed her hand on Leena’s mouth to shut her up and finally they had peace.