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Chapter 3.1

“Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down…” Jeena’s teeth were chattering as Morticia tried to calm herself down. Both of them had not moved from their positions, holding each others hands and hoping to wake up from the nightmare. Unfortunately, no such thing happened. Jeena’s grip on Morticia’s wrist tightened.

“I’m really scared Morticia…” she knew that she was behaving like a baby, but right then was not exactly a very good time to think of her image.

Me too… but we shouldn’t. Nothing bad has happened yet, right?” Morticia said trying to sound reassuring, but she could not betray Jeena's seven years worth of friendship. They came closer together when it suddenly struck the two that something bad could actually happen to them.

“Okay, let’s do one thing,” Morticia said still not giving up trying to sound reassuring, “let’s close our eyes and sit. That ways we wont have to look at…at…this.

Jeena nodded and then they closed their eyes, praying that when they open them everything would be back to normal.

“That’s so sweet!”

“Leena!” Jeena shrieked happily, opening her eyes “Oh my GOD, what on Earth-” But when she opened her eye and looked at who had spoken, she fell silent. It was not Leena. Morticia had opened her eyes before Jeena had and was staring at the tall young-looking woman who was standing in front of them.

She was a pleasant looking lady like person with a very confident posture and a knowing smile. She looked like the typical Fairy God Mother, just a little younger looking – she looked like she was around twenty-five. Her black hair was mostly open and straight with curls at the end, reaching unto her waist; except for two braids at each side of her beautiful black-eyed face. She was dressed in a long navy blue dress that swept the floor and somewhat resembled a fairy-come-evening-gown dress, with sleeves that extended till the ground and a long cape like thing attached that also swept the floor. The neck of the dress had six straps, three on either side, which formed three different V-necks, the mid points of which were connected with a zigzag line.

In sort, she was as pretty as a picture, literally and figuratively speaking.

Jeena, mustering up as much courage as she could, stammered “Wh-Who are you?”

“A rather rude way of introductions, I see.” The woman replied in a very ‘I’m-a-teacher-and-you’d-better-do-what-I-say’ tone of voice, “Anyway, it is not uncommon. I am Amaya, your guardian. And you are Jeena Sharma and Moira Seraphim. Am I correct?” But before they could respond, Amaya continued, “Of course I am. And I am aware that this might be a little awkward, but I request you to try to listen to me completely and carefully.”

Awkward. Yeah, you got THAT right. Now tell me what EXACTLY you are doing in my house, in my ROOM!!!Jeena thought to herself.

I agree. Morticia agreed with Jeena.

It took them a moment to realize it. Wait. What?

Oh my God! Did you just-

“No! YOU did!” Jeena shouted, “You read my mind!”

“Now, now,” Amaya said incredulously, “She did not read your mind! You were merely talking!”

“Talking?” Morticia was confused.
