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Chapter 2.2

"Hi Leena", Jeena said shaking her head. When would Leena learn? She did not need an answer to that. Never.

Morticia told them about her dream, reciting each and everything she remembered, which was a lot compared to her other dreams. When she got to where Zarif was about to kiss her and when her mother had woken her up, Leena's expression had changed from one of amusement to one of utter disgust that you would catch on a friend's face if you showed him/her a room filled with all sorts of creep-crawly creatures(unless they liked them of course).

"You know what," Leena said, still wearing that same expression on her face, "what I most want to do right now is to go and touch your mom's feet for doing such a sane thing to your insane nightmare!"

"And the sane thing to do was to end it?" Jeena looked at Leena with raised eyebrows. When Leena made a 'Duh!' look, Jeena said sounding irritated. "Don't be stupid Leena! It was just a dream…"

And so began the debate over whether it was okay for Zarif to kiss Morticia in her dream or not, which was abruptly brought to an end by the entrance of the accused himself, Zarif Hussain.

The day started yet again with the attendance and went on to the first period, which was English. However, unlike every other day, today the English teacher, Mrs. Bhatnagar seemed to be in a good mood.

"Good morning everyone!" she greeted the class giving a wide smile making everyone wonder what exactly was wrong with her. "Everybody, open your literature readers. We're doing Lord Ullin's Daughter…"

"Oooooooooooooh!" Leena squealed next to a retreating Zarif, "I've read this poem! It's sooooooooooo beautiful, so full of such vibrant feelings. I mean, this is what you call poetry!"

"Thanks a lot for your much appreciated review on the world's most boring poem Ms. Leena Shakespeare", Morticia said sarcastically. Leena rolled her eyes and turned away.

"Now", the teacher said, "honestly tell me, has any of you ever fallen in love?"

Immediately there were sounds of laughter to be heard from the entire class.

"Aw! Come on!" the teacher urged, "you're in the ninth standard. I'm sure at least a few of you must have fallen in love!"

When no one replied, the teacher continued to urge them on "There's nothing to be shy about it! I mean…for example, if Jeena loved Zack-" Jeena almost fell off her chair as everyone started laughing again. "Now, now! I was just giving an example! If Jeena loves Zack there is no need to hide it…" Jeena went completely pink in the face as she tried to look busy in something inside her desk, her empty desk. "Divya!" the teacher called out.
