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Chapter 2.3

Apparently she was bent on making some one or the other confess their "love" for someone else.

Divya hesitantly got to her feet and said that she had never fallen in love.

"Ma'am", Isha cut in, "even if anyone HAS fallen in love, I don't think they're going to confess it. It's just too embarrassing!"

Before the teacher could say anything else, Zarif got to his feet.

"You want to say something Zarif?" the teacher asked.

"Yes ma'am" he said in his deep confident voice that seemed to make Morticia's stomach do weird things, like it was doing at that moment, "I've fallen in love."

Morticia's stomach started doing weirder things now, but this time it was not at all like what it had been doing all this time. This time it was echoing in her ears just like the silence that had engulfed the class room was echoing in everyone else's ears except for the teacher's as she was too busy asking him what it felt like…


The rest of the day, Morticia had been in a bad mood…until Leena decided to give her a tarot reading to cheer her up, in the 6th period, when they had PE.

The three girls went to the girls' room on the ground floor of block 1. They were not exactly bunking class because, well everyone bunked PE. No one ever found out. Besides, neither of them had exactly even taken up any sport. They all got A-grades from whichever list their names existed in. The teachers never really bothered either.

Leena laid down six cards in the shape of a cross after Morticia had shuffled them up. Jeena and Morticia looked on eagerly. Morticia was waiting for what Leena was going to say and Jeena was waiting for her turn. Leena had been right about one thing, Morticia's mood had considerably improved after Leena offered to give her a reading, which was a very rare thing. The offer, not Morticia being happy.

Leena studied the cards on the stand in front of the mirrors, for a while and then looked up at Morticia. "Morticia, I've told you a lot of times not to believe any of the readings I give you." Morticia nodded.

"Please don't take anything I say seriously because it may not be true. But listen to me carefully in case it is. Okay?" Leena sounded serious, and Leena never sounded serious. So it had to be something important. Jeena came closer to Leena. She hoped that Leena was not going to say that Morticia was going to die in a day like she had done with Jeena a year ago. Jeena had almost died with fear.
